Springing into Spring with Kapha

The snowdrops and the daffodils are almost here, and that means the spring is gently coming to life. According to Ayurveda, the impending spring is the Kapha season. With this in mind, making subtle lifestyle changes as our bodies adjust to a kinder environment can be powerful.

While we typically think of the seasons as spring, summer, fall, and winter, Ayurveda divides the year according to the most prevalent dosha during each period. A dosha is a fundamental element of the body. When the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, are in balance, so is our health.

The first dosha to be aggravated by the springtime moisture and coolness is Kapha. Kapha is associated with qualities that are cold, heavy and oily, so activities and foods that are considered warm, light and dry will neutralize imbalance. Signs of excess Kapha include weight gain, flu, fatigue and depression. Ayurveda advises that the Kapha season is a good time to adopt a cleansing programme and augment daily routines. There are many ways we can assist our body in clearing built-up toxins.

Incorporating lymphatic massage, deep breathing and morning exercise is recommended for improving circulation and immunity, and elevating mood. Irrigating and then lubricating nasal passages can counter the congestive elements of the season. More movement and spicing up your routine will also help at this time of the year.

A spring Ayurvedic diet recommends more bitter tastes (eg: herbs such as dandelion), as well as spicy/pungent (eg: fresh ginger herbal tea), dry (eg: legumes), warm (eg: soup) and astringent/light (eg: leafy greens, cranberries). These tastes open the channels of elimination, clearing excess mucus and moisture from the body. Reduce kapha aggravating sweet, sour and salty foods like fried, processed foods and dairy, which cause water retention, digestive difficulties and lethargy. In common with the winter diet, minimise raw and cold foods, favouring warm, light, cooked meals at regular times. Kapha reducing foods  like steamed vegetables, brown rice and broth are easier on digestion. Lighter grains such as quinoa, millet and barley are all Kapha pacifying. Raw honey clears mucous and excess kapha due to its heating, drying and channel clearing properties; it’s also the best sweetener for kapha types and beneficial for everyone in spring.

These are some general guidelines to help reduce and eliminate excessive Kapha from the system and revitalise your body and mind. Introduce them gently to your diet and lifestyle and apply them to your spring routine. Slowly incorporating these changes to match the season will promote more healthy digestion and support the immune system, improving mood and reenergizing. Now is the time to spring cleanse!

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